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                SINCE 1983
                Leading technology and quality service go hand in hand

                Focus on credibility and quality go hand in hand

                Suzhou Xiongying Pen Ink New Material Co., Ltd. adopts the world's most advanced production equipment, selects raw materials that meet international standards, and uses high-end analytical instruments to specialize in the production of various writing inks and high-end nano-color pastes. Since its establishment in 1983, it has always adhered to the tenet of leading technology, honesty and trustworthiness as its business philosophy, constantly introducing new processes, adopting new technologies, and developing new products with complete varieties, high quality, unique formulas, low prices, and timely and efficient services. Efficient and favored by users.

                Over the years, the company insisted on independent innovation as the mainstay, and at the same time the domestic-level price pursues the international-level quality, and developed the first domestic ballpoint pen ink, Wujiang 328 black series...

                • Custom R&D

                  According to some VIP customers' needs for brand-new product inks, or specific requirements for color and product performance, some targeted research and development will be made to allow customers to grasp the opportunities and lead the market!

                • Match Test

                  According to the pen accessories (such as pen tip, cotton core) specified by the customer, adjust the physical and chemical parameters of the ink to match the corresponding pen parts and achieve the best writing effect.

                • Standard Analysis

                  Interpret all kinds of pen or ink product standards at home and abroad, explain standard terminology, master key core performance indicators of product standards, and learn test methods. Let customers be familiar with and understand their product standard positioning.

                • Safety Consultation

                  Internationally classify ink as children's toys. There are numerous product safety regulations, of which ink safety regulations are the most involved. This requires professionals to use professional knowledge to interpret and provide professional reports. 

                Copyright @ Suzhou Xiongying Ink New Materials Co., Ltd.  All Rights Reserved Support£ºSuzhou advertising company   Jueshi brand planning¡¡ICP2020052170