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                Home>About Us>Company Profile

                COMPANY PROFILE

                Suzhou Xiongying pen and ink new material Co., Ltd. adopts the most advanced production equipment in the world, selects raw materials in line with international standards, and is committed to specializing in the production of all kinds of writing inks and high-grade nano color pastes with the help of high-end analytical instruments. Since its establishment in 1983, it has always adhered to the purpose of leading science and technology, the business philosophy of honesty and trustworthiness, constantly introduced new processes, adopted new technologies and developed new products. It is deeply favored by users with complete varieties, excellent quality, unique formula, low price, timely, fast and efficient service.

                Over the years, the company has adhered to independent innovation, while pursuing international quality at domestic prices. Developed the first ball point pen ink in China; Wujiang 328 black series, Wujiang 328 extra black, 408 blue series, n418-2 blue, Wujiang Dahong, 788 red series first-class fluorescent ballpoint pen ink; The company also produces whiteboard pen ink (alcohol dry wipe type); Highlighter ink (Pigment Type / dye type); Pigment type direct liquid ink; Marker ink and other pen inks.

                At the same time, the company also produces high-grade nano color paste; Water based color paste series and solvent color paste series. Mainly used for: finishing the surface of high-grade wood furniture, leather and cloth; Color printing of metal coil, aluminum film, transparent film, cardboard (packaging materials, cigarette cases), etc; Coating of metal and plastic parts (household appliances, cosmetics and electrical appliances); high-grade waterborne automotive paint, baking paint industry, ink and coating industry.

                Our commitment to our customers is:

                Leading technology and high-quality service go hand in hand, pay attention to reputation and quality, and go hand in hand.

                COMPANY CULTURE


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