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                Home>News>Group News
                [Jin Guiying, Deputy Secretary General of Suzhou Wujiang District Cultural Industry Federation] Suzhou Xiongying pen and ink new material Co., Ltd


                Deputy Secretary General of Suzhou Wujiang District Cultural Industry Federation

                Jin Guiying, chairman of Suzhou Xiongying pen and ink new material Co., Ltd.

                Jin Guiying, female, born in August 1963, intermediate title, chairman of Suzhou Xiongying pen and ink new materials Co., Ltd. Actively advocated technological innovation, led the company's scientific research team with their own technical skills, developed a variety of new products, developed the dyes of most domestic color inks, filled the gap of domestic ball point pen color inks, and the high-end ink series of oily ball point pen broke the situation of being monopolized by foreign countries for a long time, The localization rate of writing ink has increased from less than 50% to more than 80%, which has reduced the production cost and increased the export competitiveness of tens of millions of Chinese pen making enterprises.

                Jin Guiying has successively won the honors of excellent entrepreneur in China's pen making industry, ten Chinese pen making women, excellent scientific and technological worker in China's pen making industry, advanced individual of rural women's labor export in Jiangsu Province, Wujiang 38 red flag bearer, Wujiang cultural entrepreneurship leading talent, Suzhou publicity and cultural talent, etc.

                Address: No. 539, Yunli Road, Wujiang Economic Development Zone, Suzhou, Jiangsu

                Contact information: 13606250063

                Business scope: research and development of ink and ink for ball point pen core; Manufacturing and sales: refill and accessories, ink and ink for ball point pen refill; Self owned house lease; Self support and agency of import and export business of various commodities and technologies. (for projects subject to approval according to law, business activities can be carried out only after approval by relevant departments)

                Company profile:

                Suzhou Xiongying pen and ink new material Co., Ltd., founded in 2003, is located in Wujiang Economic Development Zone, Jiangsu Province. It is adjacent to national highway 318 in the East and Sujiahang Expressway in the West. It is 90km away from Shanghai, 24km away from Suzhou and 150km away from Hangzhou. At present, it is a first-class manufacturer of dye ink for ball point pen core in China.

                The company is the vice chairman unit of China pen industry association, the top ten units of China pen industry of China Light Industry Federation, and the leading enterprise in ink production in China's pen industry. The oil-based ball point pen high-end ink series independently developed by the company has broken the situation of being monopolized by foreign countries for a long time, increased the localization rate of writing ink from less than 50% to more than 80%, reduced the production cost and increased the export competitiveness of tens of millions of Chinese pen enterprises.

                The ink products of the company have passed the EU rech registration and obtained the certification of astmd ball point pen 4236, ASTMF963, EN71-3, EN71-9, usp51, usp61 and SVHC. Among them, "DAHAO" brand ball point pen ink is recognized by China pen making Association as "China pen making famous brand product".

                In 2007, the company participated in drafting and revising the industry standard QB / t1946-2007 for ballpoint pen ink of the Ministry of light industry of the people's Republic of China; In 2011, the company participated in drafting and revising the industry standard QB / t4167-2011 for whiteboard pen ink of the Ministry of light industry of the people's Republic of China; In 2018, the company led the drafting of the industry standard qbt5223-2018 low viscosity ink for ballpoint pen by the Ministry of light industry of the people's Republic of China.

                In addition, the foreign subsidiary participated in the key project of the national science and technology support plan "R & D and industrialization of key materials and preparation technology in pen industry" in 2011; In 2012, he participated in the national torch plan project environmental friendly medium oil ballpoint pen ink; In 2016, he participated in the national key R & D plan project "new environmental protection materials for pen making".

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